Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Well looks like its gonna be a bumper weekend.
Just got confirmation that I have managed to get two tickets for the Red Bull Rail Storm in George Square on Saturday. And we have a visiting master (Mestre Gato) from Brazil across this weekend, who helped create the Senzala group that Iam a member of. So will go to the session on Sunday.
And i have to create my new professional website. So damage limitation for Saturday night is in effect.

Friday, September 17, 2004


Its funny how I can never get up in the morning or go to sleep at night.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


Take gigantic and enormous and just like Wordsworth (remember him?? evil floating spelling cartoon character from early 1980s British educational TV prog...) build yourself a new word: ginormous. Use it in everyday conversation and people dont even blink, ie. I had a ginormous lunch today.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Long Story Short

The End.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Suits you suh!

The suits that i wear to work must be purposefully deigned to cook you during the summer and freeze you in winter.

Over the Rainbow

Weekends are like rainbows, they look good from a distance but dissappear up close.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Position Sought : Dr Who

Question ~ What do you do with a history degree and a masters in software engineering? (Apart from look pissed off.)
Answer ~ Get a job as the good doctor, write a computer program that can transport you back in time in a small, but big on the inside, blue police box. And get a robot dog. Cool.
Do Do Doooooooo, dew dew dewwwwwwww

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Lost in Music

Responsibility to me
is a tradgedy,
I'll get a job some other time...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


After hurricane lucy arrived in embra on Saturday evenning and a crazy night to follow (gale force 10) i had a 48 hour hangover and have only started to recover now.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Quote from my Dad today

Oh what a wicked web we weave when we first set to decieve.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Lunchy Munchy

Went to the wee baked tattie shop today and it was braw. Well worth the money. Quality choice. The potato was about the size of my head.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

An Edinburgh Lunch Hour/The Festival Is Over

Just been for lunch, went looking into few record shops but couldn't find what I was looking for. Then checked out a few cafes to find somewhere decent for lunch tomorrow. One place looked good The Gourmet Burger Co. but was so expensive. 7.00 GBP for a burger and roll, no chips. 2.00 for side order of chips and three pounds odd for a milkshake. They should be wearing masks and shouting "Stand and Deliver" for prices like that. God damn Dick Turpin taxi drivin highway robbin mofos. Then went into the wee baked tattie shop round the corner and that was a total rip off. Fetsival is over, the shops should lower their prices. In the end me and Lau just sat on the steps at the tron and had a munch. The usual mix of folks was out: a bike courier (mobile organ donor) the usual office monkeys and a large contingent of scallies, sporting the typical scottish nicotine sun tan of deep yellow forearms merging into milk bottle white upper arms, smoking Regal kingsize fags and munching cheap sausage roles from Greigs the bakers. Shouting about who owes whom "seven barr" (barr is col. slang in edin for a £). Incidentally not even enough for a gourmet burger. Generally annoying me by trying to feed the pigeons then attempting to kick them when they got close or throwing juice at them But where was this underclass when the festival was on? when the 'burgh needed their services the most to harass the english high school drama groups throwing flyers out down the royal mile. Or the lame street perfromers walking about with picture frames, or the top half of a mannequins pretending to dance. Where were they then, eh? Out for lunch i bet.